Champion method, just doesn’t teach you to live a healthier lifestyle. It teaches you a better lifestyle. I learned to make my body healthier and my knowledge about islam even more healthy. Champion method gives you new meal options to make, and new workouts to try out. You also get a little khutba in each video about Islam and the prophets, so it makes you feel like you’re learning more than just how to train.
Their videos are very motivational, sometimes you won’t even need pre-workout. Jut watch a video and I can almost guarantee that you will be fueled for your workout and make progress for yourself. They have a full training overview for each muscle you want to workout when you get to the gym, so it’s all planned out for you. You just have to put in the work and you WILL get results. You will not just be investing in Champion Method when you sign up, you’ll be investing in yourself.